eCBA Release notes

Versioning is a process of tracking changes to a database or software over time, allowing users to understand how the database has evolved and to easily roll back changes if necessary. As changes are made to the UI/UX of the database, it will be documented here in the release notes and this will include a brief description of the change, and the date it was made. We also use GitHub as the version control system to manage changes to the database by our developers. This allows us to track changes over time, roll back changes if necessary, and collaborate with others on the database.

January 6 2025|v2.4.1

UX Improvements and Tutorial Addition


This update introduced a helpful video tutorial, providing step-by-step guidance for new users. The Macro Economic component now features auto-completion for inflation and real wage inputs, streamlining data entry. We've also enhanced the Economic calculation route with improved user guidance and tooltips. Several bug fixes were implemented in error handling components to provide more accurate feedback and prevent edge-case issues.

November 24 2024|v2.4.0

New Feature: Sensitivity Analysis


The eCBA now supports the Sensitivity Analysis module, which allows users to assess the impact of changes in input values on the project's financial and economic feasibility. This module is accessible through the Analysis tab once a user has completed their project setup.

October 21 2024|v2.3.5

Package updates and UX improvements


Two core dependencies were updated to take advantage of the latest improvements and security patches. Time to first paint was reduced on multiple routes. The update also included a series of UX improvements to help user value inputs and general error handling.

October 10 2024|v2.3.1

User input improvements and bug fixes


This update focused on user input improvements and bug fixes. Additional control was given to the user during financial and economic data input. Bug fixes and frontend improvements were made to our newly added Mechanistic Damage and Loss module, ensuring a smoother user experience.

October 04 2024|v2.3.0

Mechanistic Damage and Loss Module


The eCBA now supports the Mechanistic Damage and Loss module, which helps users evaluate potential impacts a climate event may have on a projects feasibility through damage and loss functions. This module is accessible through the Analysis tab once a user has completed their project setup.

September 20 2024|v2.2.0

Financial and Economic Feasabilty Module


We've introduced a new Financial and Economic Feasibility module, enabling users to assess project feasibility within the application through a user friendly interface. This module, provided as an external service, streamlines cost-benefit analysis and prepares the foundation for future extensions in the eCBA platform.

September 03 2024|v2.1.5

UI / UX Improvements and Bug Fixes

MinorPatchOperational pre-release

The latest update dealt with a collection of bug fixes and Frontend UI/UX improvements through user QA. These mainly targeted Project navigation improvements, Financial input data refinement, notification and error handling, and restructuring of project result data for easier user understanding.

August 16 2024|v2.1.0

Performance and Error Handling Improvements


This update targeted initial application performance improvements through EU database-server proximity, and reduction of route payload sizes for faster processing and responsiveness. Secondly, several input error-components were customised to improve input value understanding. Finally, bug fixes in the Economic Calculation Base Values component were adressed.

July 31 2024|v2.0.0

eCBA Internal Testing Release


Offical internal release of the eCBA application. This version brings a host of improvements and new features designed to enhance the user's experience. Introduces a new web framework, that will boost performance, scalability, and future intergrations of open sourced libraries to enchance the product offering. A new data model has been introduced for more flexilbilty in handling data and additional modules. We've incorporated user-centric design principles to refresh our application's look and feel, making it more intuitive and easier to navigate. Additionally, we’ve added new features tailored to improve interaction with the application, ensuring a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

March 8 2024|v1.5.0

CBA Operational Pre-Release

Operational pre-release

The release notes for this version announce the operational pre-release of the CBA application. This online module allows users to evaluate the financial and economic feasibility of investment projects. The application is accessible via the following link: CBA. For detailed information on its version history, please refer to this link: Versioning. Comprehensive testing has been performed, and the feedback collected will be incorporated into future iterations.